Monday, April 09, 2007

Well what i felt about this Salem Trial was pretty creepy because it felt like i was acutally in the trial and gave me pressure on what i should do next and what i am doing. as i was reading through i thought to myself how can there be witch crft when witchs dont egshist. when the lady had the flu and gave it to many of other poeple didnt just accur that maybe it might be a spreaded thing. i know this was back in the day but i mean its not rocket science. I learned that people didnt care what was going to happen to the people they just wanted drahma and to see if they woud get the honor to kill some basically. now dont get me wrong when i say that all them were against them but i think teir was some people that had the knowledge to think that their wasnt any witch craft or even withc to begin with. the people that didnt believe in the witchs or what other people believed in they was thrown in prison beaten probly even killed. There were 25 accusers the went aroudn accusing people for being a witch and got everyone else to follow theere lead and picked random people to be a witch which was kind of stupid but its the life. When ever the accussed were telling the truth they didnt believe them and they went on and killed them by linching them and hoped that there were no more but the acussers went on it again and did it some more .


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